Adding an Image in HRpack

Adding documents/images via Document Store is described in Adding a Document in HRpack.

If you are choosing to add an image directly into HRpack, you need to access the relevant document tab, such as Position | Incumbent | (Employee) | Skills | Documents.

  1. Click Add New.
    The Documents screen will open.
  2. Select the Image tab.
  3. Right click in this window and select Add Photo from the pop-up menu.
  4. Browse to find the image you wish to add, highlight the file, then click Open.
  5. Click on the Details tab (click Yes to save your changes) then type in an image name in the Title field.
  6. Complete any other details as required, then click OK to save the changes and close the Documents window.

For information on the fields in the Documents window, see Adding a Document in HRpack.

Use the Content tab to apply Notes to the image, and the image can be published to HR3people so that other people can see it. See Editing Documents and Images for more information.

Photos can also be added directly into the Incumbent Property Photos area, and these can also be published and have notes added via Content.